PoC 14 Network resource allocation

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PoC Team

  • CTTC
  • xFlow Research
  • Telefónica

Main Contact

Ricard Vilalta, CTTC ricard.vilalta@cttc.es

Muhammad Hamza, xFlow Research muhammad.hamza@xflowresearch.com


MEC BandWidth Management (BWM) service and TeraFlowSDN can be used to provide dedicated resources for network resource allocation for Gaming. BWM allows applications to allocate specific amounts of bandwidth to gaming applications, while TeraFlowSDN provides a way to manage and control traffic flows. This can help to ensure that gaming traffic has priority over other traffic, which can improve the gaming experience for users.

Here are some of the benefits of using MEC BBM and TeraFlowSDN for gaming networking: Improved gaming performance, reduced congestion, and Increased scalability. By ensuring that gaming traffic has priority, BWM and TeraFlowSDN can help to reduce latency and improve the overall gaming experience.

By allocating specific amounts of bandwidth to gaming applications, BWM and TeraFlowSDN can help to reduce congestion on the network, which can improve the gaming experience for all users. Finally, BBM and TeraFlowSDN can be easily scaled to accommodate more users and traffic, which is important for gaming applications that are expected to grow in popularity.


PoC Proposal

Network resource allocation for Gaming using MEC BandWidth Management service and TeraFlowSDN MEC PoC TFS BWM

PoC Topics

This PoC is WORKING on:

PT03 - MEC Architecture

PT04 - PT04 MEC enabled vertical segments applications

PoC Report

PoC Report is expected by end of 2024